Improve skin tone and reduce the visibility of wrinkles and laugh lines through a non-invasive process offered at  Focus Skin Care Center. A broad array of skin conditions can be caused by increased inflammation and redness. Our clients are enjoying less blemishing and uneven texture and brighter skin with our application of phototherapy in Wilmington, MA.

Learn about the options we make available to our clients when you sit down for an in-depth consultation. We take the time to learn about your medical history and any environmental factors that may be causing the particular skin condition you are dealing with. To boost your body’s natural healing function, and avoid more intensive treatments, we recommend LED therapy.

Through the use of a Light Emitting Diode (LED) technology, our treatment specialists can improve cellular performance and stop the growth of the bacteria that causes acne. The application of light energy has been shown to provide our clients with the results they want and the improved appearance they deserve.

LED Facial – $165.00

LED Add-on Treatment – $30.00

Individual LED only session – $50.00/30 mins.

Individual sessions can be purchased in a series for a discount.

All prices are subject to change.

Circulation and Inflammation

Face LED Circulation is a vital element of optimal skin health, as these tissues rely on the delivery of oxygen and other nutrients. When circulation begins to suffer, your skin can start to lack the nutrients it needs to maintain its vital appearance.

Restart the circulatory process and start giving your skin the fuel it needs to look great. Research has shown that cells absorb the light and this stimulates the production of badly-needed collagen. LED light therapy has demonstrated results as an anti-inflammatory treatment. When we decrease inflammation in the skin, we find that skin tone improves, and facial discomfort is relieved.
Celumma Red Anti-aging Over Face

Celumma Blue Acne Setting Pillow

A Medical Innovation

LED technology has become a vital part of our skin treatment practice. The anti-inflammatory properties of this light therapy have been adopted by some medical fields, including dermatology. As a practice, we focus on providing our clients with as many treatment options as possible. We want our clients to feel comfortable with the way they look and enjoy their experience at our center.

Tell us more about any discomfort you feel in your skin, and as much as you can about your medical history. Once we have a clear understanding of the conditions you face, we can recommend a series of treatments, including light therapy, and various skin care products. Start making your skin a priority and schedule a consultation as soon as possible.

Contact us today to see what is possible through phototherapy. We proudly serve customers in Wilmington, Massachusetts, and surrounding communities.
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